CAR TRANSPORT IN CHENNAI To send your car to Vikas from Chennai to Agra Vikas took a quotation from Aggarwal took this car for Radhika’s transport, because Aggarwal does not do a lot of work, he has given the car carrier’s work to Radhika’s transport, so the transport of weddings loaded Vikas’s car in his carrier and it Then went from Chennai to Agra and Vikas was given time for 6 days Vikas said, I appeared after 6 days, I will ask Agra, give me the car for 7 days because Agarwal did not like his service, he first lay down on his own room. then Vikas ji took photos from his car and sent his driver to Hyundai in Uma parking lot to load it in the carrier where his car was loaded he first boarded his car and after that and for some other reason only Called after arriving at Agra Cantt. No hassle on mail id of a selfie with Kaka Transport Service have mailed.