Major Solanki had to send his Car Transport from Goa to Lucknow, which his friend referred Radhika’s transport number Mr. Solanki took his car and reached Radhika’s transport office, Panjim, where the cars are loaded, he got his car photographed and the cargo carrier Make a note in me and after planting trees well Mr. Solanki came to his house from there he called to find out that there was some stuff left on my car which was given to him at his house and Major Solanki took his car to reach Lucknow. Find out the time, June was given 7 days’ time, Major Solanki called to stay with Lucknow and asked where is the car, then the car was loaded at the car transport office, which they got after 1 hour. After 1 hour my Solanki got a call and took his home address which gave Attica a car for the delivery of cars at his house to Major Solanki and had the car banquet so factor things were looking like my Solanki gave him well I checked and saw there was no shortage and after that my t-shirt was paid for the transport, after paying the major, tell me whether or not I was asked to celebrate some goods which are loaded in the truck of Radhika transport. You will get that too in a few days.